An Assessment of Students’ Ability in Disambiguating Grammatical Structures Using Systemic Functional Approach


  • Jay Mark B. Santos Albyra Bianca R. Sy Tamco
  • Albyra Bianca R. Sy Tamco La Consolacion University, Philippines


Grammatical Structures, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Systemic Functional Approach, Notional-Functional Syllabus


The main objective of this study is to assess the students’ ability in disambiguating grammatical structures using Systemic Functional Approach. This study made use of descriptive correlational method of research that utilized a standardized questionnaire as a primary data gathering tool. The respondents of the study were the Education and Communication Arts students from La Consolacion University Philippines. The results were analyzed and interpreted using statistical tests such as frequency, mean, and percentage computation in determining to assess the students’ ability in disambiguating grammatical structures using Systemic Functional Approach.

lastly, it is suggested that the notional-functional aspects be incorporated in the language syllabus through the use of functional categories. There are clear benefits associated with the notional-functional syllabus coupled with a communicative teaching approach. A number of implications were drawn based on the findings of the study.


Author Biographies

Jay Mark B. Santos, Albyra Bianca R. Sy Tamco

Jay Mark B. Santos is a college instructor at La Consolacion University Philippines where he teaches English and Filipino subjects. He obtained his Master of Arts in Education major in English from La Consolacion University Philippines where he currently pursues his Ph. D. in English Language and Literature. Mr. Santos is currently working on a series of publications and conference presentations addressing Systemic Functional Linguistics, Corpus Analysis, and Constructivism.

Albyra Bianca R. Sy Tamco , La Consolacion University, Philippines

Albyra Bianca R. Sy Tamco is a college instructor at La Consolacion University Philippines where she teaches liberal arts education. She has certificates in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Teaching English to Young Learners. She obtained her MA in Education major in English from La Consolacion University Philippines where she currently pursues her Ph. D. in English Language and Literature.



How to Cite

Santos, J. M. B., & Tamco , A. B. R. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2020). An Assessment of Students’ Ability in Disambiguating Grammatical Structures Using Systemic Functional Approach. International Journal of Linguistics and Translation Studies, 1(1), 72–84.


