Discovering Writing Difficulties of Malay ESL Primary School Level Students


  • Nurul Jannah Ahmad Ghulamuddin Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, Malaysia
  • Siti Khadijah Mohd Mohari Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, Malaysia
  • Kamisah Ariffin Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, Malaysia


Writing difficulties, ESL primary level students, writing in English


Writing is perceived to be one of the most difficult skills for English language learners to master. Although studies on challenges faced by ESL students in writing are replete, most of them have focused on students at secondary and tertiary levels of education. Studies on learners at lower level have been scarce. Thus, this paper aims to fill the gap by examining the major problems faced by ESL primary school level students in writing in English. Survey and interview sessions were conducted to fit the purpose of the study. Data were collected from a class of 26 students from Year/Standard 6 of the primary school level in Malaysia and an interview session with the English teacher of that particular class. The findings indicate that the major difficulties charted are rooted in the students’ poor mastery in vocabulary, inability to spell words correctly and L1 interference. Thus, in order to enhance the students’ skills in writing in English, the teacher implemented some remedial measures during the teaching and learning sessions. The findings have essential pedagogical implications on understanding students’ struggle to write in English at the lower level of education.

Author Biographies

Nurul Jannah Ahmad Ghulamuddin, Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, Malaysia

NURUL JANNAH AHMAD GHULAMUDDIN is a lecturer at Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, Malaysia. She holds a Bachelor Degree from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia a Master’s Degree from International Islamic University of Malaysia, both majoring in TESL. Her research interests are teaching approaches and language learning strategies.

Siti Khadijah Mohd Mohari, Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, Malaysia

SITI KHADIJAH MOHD MOHARI is a lecturer at the Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, Malaysia. She holds a Master’s Degree in TESL from International Islamic University Malaysia. Her research interests include teaching approaches and language learning strategies.

Kamisah Ariffin, Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, Malaysia

KAMISAH ARIFFIN is an Associate Professor at the Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, Malaysia. She has more than twenty-four years in teaching English courses at the tertiary level. Her research interests include cross-cultural communication, discourse analysis, and language use and preferences in the real world. Her research articles on these areas have also been published in both local and international indexed journals.



How to Cite

Ahmad Ghulamuddin, N. J. ., Mohd Mohari, S. K. ., & Ariffin, K. (2021). Discovering Writing Difficulties of Malay ESL Primary School Level Students. International Journal of Linguistics and Translation Studies, 2(1), 27–39.