The impact of L1 and L2 Glosses on EFL Learners' Incidental Vocabulary Learning Through Reading: A Systematic Literature Review


  • Brahim outamgharte Faculty Letters And Humanities El Jadida
  • Mohamed Yeou English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Chouaib Doukkali University El Jadida 24000, Morocco
  • Hicham Zyad English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Chouaib Doukkali University El Jadida 24000, Morocco


Incidental vocabulary, gloss, reading, EFL learners, PRISMA


This systematic literature review investigates the impact of L1 and L2 glosses on EFL learners' incidental vocabulary learning via reading. The review aims to synthesize and analyze existing empirical research on the topic, identify the most effective glossing method, and highlight reasons why some glosses may be more effective. The review's research questions are: (1) How is incidental vocabulary operationalized in these studies? (2) Do L1 and L2 glosses differ in their effect on incidental vocabulary learning? and (3) Why do some learners benefit from one type (L1/L2) of gloss more than the other? The review follows a systematic methodology, involving a comprehensive search using SCOPUS databases, rigorous inclusion/exclusion criteria, and data extraction and synthesis methods. The results suggest that L1 and L2 glosses have a positive effect on EFL learners' incidental vocabulary learning through reading, but there is a lack of consensus on which language is more effective. The review highlights the lack of gloss studies among Arabs.



How to Cite

outamgharte, B., Yeou, M. ., & Zyad, H. . (2024). The impact of L1 and L2 Glosses on EFL Learners’ Incidental Vocabulary Learning Through Reading: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Linguistics and Translation Studies, 5(3), 81–95.


